Fare Request for Multiple Destinations


Please provide all requested information. ( * denotes required field)

Full First Name *

Full Last Name *

Telephone *

Your Email *

How many adults in your group *

How many children in your group *

Ticketing Class *

Originating City *

Destination City 1*

Departure Date *

What is your preferred departure time of day

Destination City 2*

Departure Date *

What is your preferred departure time of day

Destination City 3

Departure Date

What is your preferred departure time of day

Destination City 4

Departure Date

What is your preferred departure time of day

Destination City 5

Departure Date

What is your preferred departure time of day

Please note: If you are returning to your originating city at the end of your travel, please indicate this city as your final destination

Preferred Airline

Do you need a hotel?

What type of hotel do you prefer?

Do you need a rental car?

What type of rental car do you prefer?

Additional Requirements or Instructions

Please enter the anti-spam code


Note: Domestic fares will incur a $30 transaction fee. Prior to submitting our online fare request form, please download our Credit Card Authorization Form (PDF).  Complete this form to cover the $30.00 transaction fee and provide your credit card/cardholder name and billing address and return to us by fax: 415.834.9447.